I love how the seasons change in North Alabama. The winters are cold enough to let me dig in to my winter clothes I brought here with me from Alaska, but not too snowy. The spring is lush and green with perfect temperatures. Jeans and t-shirts are my fave! The summer is bountiful and full of growth. The color green is everywhere and the late sunsets and warm evenings are perfect for star gazing and porch sitting. Fall is my favorite. As the temperatures cool off and the busy of the summer slows down, the holidays approach and we prepare to focus on generosity and rest. This time of year always makes me reflect on how blessed and full of goodness our year has been.
With the rhythm of the seasons, our focus and products ebb and flow in tandem with the temperatures.
- January
- February
- March – Learn your camera class: Bring that new fancy camera that you got for Christmas and learn how to make your images do your memories justice. Leaving your camera on the automatic setting will never give you the consistent results you are hoping for. Let me show you how, with a few tweaks to your settings and a little understanding, your images can turn out so much better!
- April – Creek Sessions: Splashing, fishing and throwing rocks in a creek are iconic of childhood memories. Let’s make some memories together.
- May – Wild Flower Sessions: Is there anything better than watching your kids pick flowers in a field of tall grass? The look on their faces as they run to you, with an outstretched arm, anxiously waiting to give their new treasure to you? Let me capture those memories for you, so you never have to forget a single detail of how they are right this moment.
- June – Berry picking: Come to Five Oaks Farm and pick your own berries! You will leave with sweetness on your lips, (you are welcome to eat while you pick) berries in your kitchen, and a new memory with your family tucked away in your heart.
- July – Peach picking: Come to Five Oaks Farm and pick your own peaches! So often we forget where our food grows. Come see and taste the freshness of picking your own peaches. You may have to pay for the peaches, but the memories you will gain while gathering them are completely free.
- August – Canning class: Do you know how to can your own food? Come and I will teach you how to make and preserve our signature salsa! There are so many benefits to canning, but the one at the top of the list is knowing EXACTLY what is in your food. It is a fantastic way to grow and then preserve all of the goodness that has so bountifully grown in your garden, and allows us to not let anything go to waste.
- September
- October – Apple picking is one of those activities that I think EVERYONE should experience. There is something so sweet about the combination of the sweetness of the apples and knowing that Fall is just around the corner that always makes me happy. (It might be the smell of making homemade applesauce and apple crisp that makes me happy too!)
- November – Honey Harvest: Our Fall honey is ready for market! Make sure to stock up for all of your delicious holiday treats, warm teas and medicinal uses over the winter.
- December