I am a cookie, ice-cream or cheesecake kind of girl. I have never been much for cake or frosting, but give me a a cookie, ice-cream or cheesecake, and I have absolutely no self restraint!
The entire idea of pursuing all of these recipes and figuring out healthier options started with trying to create a chocolate chip cookie that didn’t have refined sugar or gluten in it. We then developed a recipe for Lace Cookies and Double Chocolate Cookies. (You can never have too many cookie recipes) 😉
My husband then over time, developed a Honey Cheesecake recipe! It is as delicious as it sounds. No compromise whatsoever!
Having 2 of my 3 favorite deserts figured out in a way that I could eat was awesome, but I was determined to figure out a way that I could have my cheesecake and eat my ice-cream too! 😉
This right here is the result of lots of tries, and tons of taste tests. I make it regularly and keep it in the freezer as a convenient sweet treat. Even better, it is SUPER easy to make!

- Dump all of the ingredients in to a blender or mixer, and mix until all ingredients are completely incorporated.
- (If you are not bothered by eating uncooked egg yolks, skip to step 4.) Transfer the mixture to the stove and bring the mixture up to 165 degrees.
- Transfer mixture to the refrigerator and leave it there until it is cold again.
- Pour your custard mixture in to an ice-cream maker to freeze.
- Once frozen, you can eat it soft, or you can transfer it to a freezer safe container and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours to have a firmer texture.
- Â 8 lg – Egg Yolks
- 1 cup – Milk
- 2 cups – Heavy Whipping Cream
- 1 pinch – Salt
- 1/4 cup – Monk Fruit Erythritol Blend (or a different sweetener of your choice)
- 1 Tbs – Vanilla Extract
- 1 tea – Xanthengum (This is the magic ingredient that makes it soft enough to scoop even after it is frozen.)

- My best tip is to make extra so you always have a quick sweet treat in the freezer. 😉
Serving Suggestions
- Â My absolute favorite way to eat this custard is with some Honey Caramel & Honey Chocolate drizzled on top, and a handful of granola sprinkled over the top. <3